Would you buy a pair of mars boots if they were made by a shoe company?

Micah Tinklepaugh
2 min readMay 13, 2023

So this week I’m listening to aerospace podcast called This Week in Space: Going Interstellar. Special guest Jeff Greason,was being interviewed about using different types of propulsion to sojourn through space beyond our galaxy.

Part of what Jeff talked about was using a type of wind found in space to propel to the outskirts of galaxies and use gravity to slingshot through. He mentioned how Nuclear Propulsion could be used to pick up speed that might be required to benefit from the wind method.

Space Thrust company Momentus is firing an experimental thrust that uses radio waves to convert water into plasma to generate thrust, according to SpaceNews [1]. Below is a basic rocket engine.



Micah Tinklepaugh

I design products for people and systems. I also like to swim, bike, and run.