The Opportunity for Quantum Sensing in Virtual Reality

Micah Tinklepaugh
4 min readAug 28, 2022

Around about 28 years of age, a university accepted me for computational physics undergraduate work. I’d spent 8 years floundering through the education system. As a waiter, this was a big deal. I still remember a few days after receiving my acceptance letter getting into a conversation with a very nice couple at a table I was serving. After hearing I would eventually try to get a doctorate in particle physics the gentleman discouraged me on the basis that there is no financial utility to the endeavor. He asked who would make money from it. This led me to ask a physics researcher (or assistant) how much they made. They said $12 an hour. Other PhD candidate explained the importance of finding the right professor to do a dissertation under, other wise I might not ever get funded or do meaningful research. Realizing physicists need augmented and virtual reality and that I’d fare better in San Francisco, I took a different path. More can be read here:

But now that I have been working in Augmented and Virtual Reality for nearly a decade, I think I might have some answers for the man at the…



Micah Tinklepaugh

I design products for people and systems. I also like to swim, bike, and run.