Fun with Sports Tech: Day 12 of 173
Yesterday we talked about how Nike Coach Chris Bennett says if you can’t do the workout you want to do, do the workout you can do.
Today we will start the article off with a quote from Nike Coach Chris Bennett. If you can’t do the workout you want to do, do the workout you can do.
Yes, I just repeated myself. It is so critical to reframe success as some glorious accomplishment to a series of lots of tiny tiny attempts to do something small and accomplishable. These small wins stack on each other. So it is today.
I thought I’d make a quick Snapchat Lens Studio using the 3D model I’d downloaded yesterday from SketchFab but the web browser wouldn’t let me. Then when I tried to drop an object into Snap, I couldn’t. Had to attach it to the camera and I couldn’t quickly adjust the size of the bike.
But guess what!? I spent 10 minutes learning to build lenses in Snapchat! I came up with the concept 2 days ago, designed it yesterday, and started building it today!
Let’s shift to my workout this morning: