Digital Athlete Challenge: Day 8

Micah Tinklepaugh
3 min readMar 12, 2022
3D Render by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Today I made it more than half way through and for the first time I completed and entire workout from Systm. I had a really uplifting experience on their Recharger day, which is just a 30 minute workout and since my FTP or Fitness test was never set — the expectations were low, which actually felt really inviting.

What worked well for me?

Wahoo’s Systm has instructions! Finally. My favorite part about Nike Running Club app are the instructions — you know, the system by which to get better? Also — the targer power and cadence are given as small font numbers while the current measurement of your outputs are just underneath it in larger font. So now I know what I’m working towards.

What didn’t work well?

The short answer? Me. Now for Zwift, I didn’t spend much time there today. I try to give both apps my attention and just pick a ramp shape that is similar. Ramp shape is what I call the rectangles that represent power over time for the ride. I think the power goals from Zwift are too high for me because I never did a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test. According to Stages Power website, FTP is “ the point when an…



Micah Tinklepaugh

I design products for people and systems. I also like to swim, bike, and run.